11 Practical Ways To Enjoy This Season

Billy Lowe
4 min readMar 20, 2020


One thing is clear, none of us have any experience walking through a situation like this. In some ways it creates a common bond because we are all learning together. In others ways it creates difficulties because we all want leadership from someone else. The good news is that God’s word gives us wisdom to live in the uncertainties of life.

As we all continue to look for answers I want to give you some practical advice to help you navigate through this season.

1: Don’t be too hard on yourself: Again, this is new. Most of us aren’t trained professionals or certified teachers. Some of us are a part of a dual income household. All of us are navigating something new. Take it easy and give yourself some slack. You probably wont be able to conquer every hill this week. You probably aren’t going to be the perfect parent. You might lose your patience or go stir crazy. It’s okay. This is all new and we are all learning together. Don’t put more pressure on yourself than you should.

2: Take it day by day: Jesus tells us in Matthew 6, “We should not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Instead we should “Seek first the kingdom of God.” None of us knows what tomorrow brings so stop projecting and start resting in the fact that God does. Jesus gives us the answer by telling us the negative and the positive. He first says, you can’t control the future so chill out [negative]. Then he shows us how to enjoy today: choose to live for the things of God and set your minds on the eternal and you’ll have joy [positive]. It might seem like a paradox but it’s the key to life. Be in the present and pursue God’s kingdom now. Tomorrow will come but today is your day. Take advantage of it.

3: Enjoy your family: This is a special time that God has forced on all of us. Obviously it can be a bit nerve racking and stressful but God has allowed us to stop traveling, work from home, and quit sports. Enjoy your family. Eat meals together, pray together, and let God form a bound in your home.

4: Work on your marriage: I believe God is going to restore many marriages through this time. Work on humility and serve your spouse. Take it easy on them, this is new for them too. Invest in them and be their greatest supporter. Laugh together, cook together, and buy a good board game. Turn the TV off and talk.

5: Relax: We will get through this. God is still on his throne. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Just relax and enjoy the blessings that you have right in front of you. They are there, I promise. If you pay close enough attention you’ll notice them too.

7: Listen: We spend so much time talking, let’s choose to listen. Listen to the government officials and the CDC. Listen to God and spent time with him. Open your windows and listen to the birds chirp. Take in the sounds and enjoy what’s going on around you. It’s amazing what happens when we listen.

8: Invest: Don’t let financial uncertainty keep you from generosity. God’s church is best when things are hard. Continue being generous. Be a good neighbor and invest in local businesses. Be generous toward our church so we can continue to serve the needs of our community. Invest in your families, your neighborhoods, and local businesses.

9: Pray: This is a time that God has called us to pray. Praying is the greatest act of humility because it forces you to acknowledge what you already know; you aren’t in control. Connect with God through prayer. When we pray God listens and responds. Plead with him to use this time for our good and his glory.

10: Talk: Talk to your kids about what’s happening. Process this with your spouse and friends. Pick up the phone and ask people how they’re doing. Remember, we are in this together. This is the time to talk and not retreat. Processing your feelings and emotions is a good thing, take time to talk with someone.

11: Engage: Engage in community. All of our Small Groups are meeting together virtually. Engage with a group. We are doing weekly prayer sessions via Zoom, engage there. Be a part of our Facebook Live worship service and worship with your families. This is the time to engage and grow the community we already have.

Friends, social distancing doesn’t means spiritual isolation. These are going to be fruitful times, you have to believe that. God is going to do far more than we can ask or imagine during this season. Embrace it. Believe it. And let’s be better together!

Pastor Billy



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